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  • HEI-100

    모 델 명 : HEI-100 (DIGITAL SENSOR)
    측정 대상 :
    * Acid concentrations
    - Hydrochloric acid(HCL): 0-20%
    - Hydrochloric acid(HCL): 25-40%
    - Nitric acid(HNO3): 0-25%
    - Sulfuric acid(H2SO4): 0-25%
    - Sulfuric acid(H2SO4): 35-85%
    - Sulfuric acid(H2SO4): 92-100%
    * Alkali concentrations
    - Sodium hydroxide(NaOH):0-18%
    - Sodium hydroxide(NaOH):20-40%
    * Salinity
    - 0-72ppt(0-100mS/CM)
    측정 원리 : Inductivity Electrode
    전송 출력 : Digital Sensor with Modbus RTU
    정 도 : 25us/cm to masure the value of 0.5%
    센서 재질 : PP, ABS, PTFE optional
    동작 온도 : 0 to 50/100/150℃ optional
    사용 등급 : Immersible, IP68
    케이블길이 : 5M